Miika Hast - Protest's From Here To There Stories

Miika Hast - Protest's From Here To There Stories

snowboard Video
Published 10 January 2013


Protest takes you on a journey "From here to there" with 3 of their professional snowboarders. Following them on their journey from their personal here to get there, whether it's a search for the ultimate pow, the perfect tree run, winning contests under pressure or creating footage in imperfect conditions.

Miikka Hast eats, breathes and sleeps snowboarding for the past 20 years. He started off in the early days, based in his caravan in Ruka and is enjoying the good life! We managed to get our hands on some old school footage from back in the days when freeriding was still so far away and untouchable. Nowadays he travels the world to where ever the snow is good and conditions come together. That’s where you can find him! Follow Miikka on his mission, there’s more to come…..