A Little Crash Cant Stop Kyle Strait at Rampage | GoPro View

A Little Crash Cant Stop Kyle Strait at Rampage | GoPro View

mtb Video
Published 20 October 2016

192 855 views

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What’s it like to walk away from a crash at Rampage? Kyle Strait knows - it takes more than a little spill to sideline this beast of a freerider. In his second run after throwing a massive cliff-drop backflip, he gets offline and crashes hard into his next feature. Strait pops right back up, and the crowd loses it. We were stoked to see the energy between the riders and fans at this year’s Rampage - and MAD respect to all the riders who put it on the line for the sake of going BIG.


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A Little Crash Cant Stop Kyle Strait at Rampage | GoPro View

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