Absa Cape Epic 2021 – Stage 1 - News
Absa Cape Epic 2021 – Stage 1 - News
Stage 1 of the Cape Epic 2021 took the riders around Ceres today. Named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility, Ceres has long been a mecca for South African mountain bikers. Amazingly though, the Absa Cape Epic has visited the region on numerous occasions and 2021 is only the second time the race has overnighted in the small Warmbokkeveld town.
cape western mountainbike spectators africa voice stage 1 riders untamed race mtb absa cape epic vuarnet south africa stage single mountain trail news andreas seewald martin stosek ariane lüthi jennie stenerhag robyn de groot candice lill frans claes mariske strauss jordan sarrou sina frei laura stigger matthew bears filippo colombo juri zanotti